Pastor Stephen Grant?

Stephen Grant is the pastor at St. Mary’s Lutheran Church on eastern Long Island. Grant is one of the more unique second-career clergy around, as he once worked for the CIA. Besides theology, his interests include archery, golf, writing, classic films, the beach, poker, baseball, and history. Grant also knows his wines, champagnes and brews. Oh yes, he generally dislikes politicians, and happens to be an expert marksman with a handgun and a rifle, while being pretty handy with a combat knife as well.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Reviewer/Reader Quote of the Day: Warrior Monk

Reviewer/Reader Quote of the Day:

Amazon review of WARRIOR MONK:

"Mr. Keating has done a fine job with his first book in the Stephen Grant series. The story will hold your interest and although there are a couple things for which you must suspend your vision of reality (the demise of the Pope on American soil?) there is much to say about his attention to details. What pleases me the most is his caricature of a Lutheran pastor. As I am also one, to see Stephen Grant as an actual minister of the Gospel isn't too hard to believe. Now, his previous background and his moving into a second career as a pastor--most of the men I know have not had such an exciting life! I also appreciate seeing a character such as Grant shown to have some control over his feelings and actions that represent his faith. The violence is subdued and there is a level of propriety about Grant's attitude toward women that is very refreshing and very much in character with what I would expect of a pastor. I am looking forward to the next installment of this series. It will be worth the wait!"

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