Pastor Stephen Grant?

Stephen Grant is the pastor at St. Mary’s Lutheran Church on eastern Long Island. Grant is one of the more unique second-career clergy around, as he once worked for the CIA. Besides theology, his interests include archery, golf, writing, classic films, the beach, poker, baseball, and history. Grant also knows his wines, champagnes and brews. Oh yes, he generally dislikes politicians, and happens to be an expert marksman with a handgun and a rifle, while being pretty handy with a combat knife as well.

Monday, March 25, 2024

For a Limited Time – Get the Two Latest Pastor Stephen Grant Adventures by Ray Keating for FREE!

 Join the Pastor Stephen Grant Fellowship at the Bronze Reader level or higher, and receive For Better, For Worse and Christmas Bells at St. Mary’s for FREE! And get every new book by Ray Keating as a key benefit of your membership.


And with more books coming in Pastor Stephen Grant, Alliance of Saint Michael, and new series, this is the right time to join!


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If you savor exciting and thoughtful thrillers, mysteries, historical fiction, and more, then joining Ray Keating’s Pastor Stephen Grant Fellowship is a great way to make sure you don’t miss any page-turners; you get thanked by name for your support in each new book; and you gain access to other cool stuff. 


As you know, Ray Keating is the author of 19 Pastor Stephen Grant thrillers and mysteries, as well as Cathedral: An Alliance of Saint Michael Novel, which is the first book in a historical fiction series. More books are coming in these series, as well as books in new series. So, don’t miss out!