Pastor Stephen Grant?

Stephen Grant is the pastor at St. Mary’s Lutheran Church on eastern Long Island. Grant is one of the more unique second-career clergy around, as he once worked for the CIA. Besides theology, his interests include archery, golf, writing, classic films, the beach, poker, baseball, and history. Grant also knows his wines, champagnes and brews. Oh yes, he generally dislikes politicians, and happens to be an expert marksman with a handgun and a rifle, while being pretty handy with a combat knife as well.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


New 5-star Amazon review of WINE INTO WATER: "I have now read all of the Pastor Stephen Grant novels, and am looking forward to more. The books provide adventure, some education, and reminders of God always being there."

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Awesome Christian Fiction for Dudes?!

Ray Keating’s Pastor Stephen Grant novels – featuring a former Navy SEAL, onetime CIA operative and now a Lutheran pastor – have received thumbs-up reviews from far and wide. A new Amazon review raised the issue that these books might be perfect for male readers who have not found what they enjoy in other kinds of Christian fiction. The reviewer opened: “Yes! Finally! Christian fiction for dudes that’s awesome!”
He went on to write: “I absolutely loved WARRIOR MONK for many reasons. As a confessional Lutheran layperson, a guy, and avid fiction reader, the options are VERY limited for Christian-themed, Christian characters that are real, honest, authentic and human. Good Christian fiction, particularly Christian fiction for guys, has been so hard to hind - until now! Seems like 98% of all Christian fiction is written by women, for women, and are basically G-rated romance novels with a spattering of church thrown in. The 2% of Christian fiction for guys tends to be so supernatural and over-dramatic they border on science fiction or horror (think Frank Peretti or Ted Dekker).”

The reviewer continued: “Thank you, Ray, for your beautifully-written Pastor Stephen Grant novels that are real, enjoyable, thoughtful and extol a growing, sometimes struggling, but very real faith in Christ that we treasure.”
His conclusion? “I compare Keating to Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, Larry Bond, and David Baldacci. WARRIOR MONK is very readable, with realistic dialogue, great plot pace, surprising and twists and turns, complex and endearing characters all with a respectfully un-cheesy Christian undertone. Ladies - Please share these books with your Christian husbands, fathers, sons, and brothers. Bravo!”

Spring Sale: Signed Pastor Stephen Grant Novels

Enjoy the Pastor Stephen Grant novels this spring. Get signed copies (on sale!) at

Friday, April 21, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

11 Reasons to Purchase Signed Copies of the Pastor Stephen Grant Novels Right Now!

1. Not only do they feature a onetime Navy SEAL and former CIA operative who is now a Lutheran pastor, but all of the books are on sale! Get all six for $56.99, normally $79.99. Go to 

2. Reviewers love WINE INTO WATER: A PASTOR STEPHEN GRANT NOVEL. Kirkus Reviews says, “A first-rate mystery makes this a series standout.” Self-Publishing Review adds, “Part thriller and part mystery, Wine into Water is full of action, suspense and an electric cast of characters - both villainous and heroic - that will satisfy fans of crime thrillers.” And declares, “In this adventure, sixth in the series, wine counterfeiters (no, I haven't heard of that either) infest the vineyards. When Grant's around, nobody messes with the communion wine.”
3. MURDERER’S ROW: A PASTOR STEPHEN GRANT NOVEL by Ray Keating named “Book of the Year 2015” by “BookTalk” on KFUO Christian radio.
4. On MURDERER’S ROW, Kirkus Reviews says, “Action fans will find plenty to love here, from gunfights and murder sprees to moral dilemmas.” 
5. Kirkus Reviews also gives a big thumbs up to THE RIVER: “A gritty, action-stuffed, well-considered thriller with a gun-toting clergyman.” 
6. THE RIVER: A PASTOR STEPHEN GRANT NOVEL was a “Book of the Year” finalist in 2014.
7. From a Washington Times review of THE RIVER written by a pastor and former CIA officer: “What Ian Fleming's 007 series has probably done for ex-MI-6 agents and Tom Clancy has done for retired CIA officers, Mr. Keating has done for the minority of former CIA agents who have served their country by working in the intelligence community, but now wish to serve God.” 
8. The host of KFUO radio’s “BookTalk,” calls Ray Keating “a great novelist.”
9. A Touchstone magazine review of MURDERER’S ROW says: “This is a fun read, though the embedded theology is real and salutary. There is death and life, adultery and commitment, friendship and betrayal, violence and victory over violence… Perhaps the best part of the book for the reviewer is that the clergy are good at helping people bring Christ into their vocations.”
10. Marvin Olasky, editor-in-chief of WORLD magazine, lists Ray Keating among his top 10 Christian novelists.
11. Lutheran Book Review says: “I miss Tom Clancy. Keating fills that void for me.”